(Click to enlarge the picture)
known as Infographics.
Just answer them in a quick, and proper way will do, and i thank you for your surveying.
Here's the questions:
1) Can you understand the information which provides from the infographics?
A) Yes.
B) No. (What are the things you don't understand about?)
2) Based the information above, have you met any one of those situation before?
A) Yes. (State ONE cause from the picture above.)
B) No.
3) Give comments about the artwork above. (E.g: Colors, arrangements, fonts, graphics...)
4) From the infographics above, besides those infos, what other causes besides those I've mentioned above?
5) Rate this infographic artwork. (Eg. ?/10)
6) Last, will you follow my instructions to prevent the situation after reading the infographic above?